Resources & Advocacy

 Abortion Resources in a Post - Roe v. Wade World

For an up to date guide on navigating abortion in NC:

Since the overturning of Roe v Wade, our world has become scarier. We at The Flow believe that abortion is life-saving healthcare, a human right, and an intimate decision between a pregnant person and their healthcare provider. We worry about equitable access to safe abortion care, especially for those living in states with highly restrictive reproductive health laws. We have researched and compiled a list of abortion resources for those who have questions about their options in a post-Roe world. We are not medical experts so we advise that you still consult a medical professional if you can, but we hope that this document can be used as a good place to start.

  • Currently, abortion is legal in North Carolina until the 12 week mark in a pregnancy. Count from the first day of your last period to know how far along you are.

    There are 4 exceptions:

    • Rape: up to 20 weeks

    • Incest: up to 20 weeks

    • Fetal anomaly: up to 24 weeks

    • Medical emergency

    In cases of rape and incest, patients are required to share their stories of assault of abuse with their doctors. If the patient is a minor, the doctor is required to report the incident to the police even if the patient does not want to pursue legal action.

    Medication abortions will only be allowed up to 10 weeks gestation or 70 days.

    If you are 17 years of age or younger then you will need parental/guardian permission to get an abortion. If parental/guardian support or permission is not an option, try looking into the option for obtaining a “judicial waiver” or “judicial bypass.” If you are in North Carolina and need confidential guidance with navigating this legal process text ABBY to 844-997-2229.

    More information about the Judicial Bypass can be accessed by calling the Judicial Bypass hotline at 844-868-2812.

    The law requires, at minimum, 3 in-person appointments with a physician for medication abortion. Here’s what happens at each appointment:

    1. The patient must go in person for informed consent at least 72 hours before medical abortion.

    2. The physician administering the abortion pills must first verify the pregnancy, test blood type, run diagnostic tests for potential complications, screen the person for abuse, inform the patient of what they may see during the abortion process, and verify gestational age.

    3. The patient must schedule a follow-up appointment 7-14 days later to ensure the abortion is complete. It is legal to leave North Carolina and obtain an abortion out of state

    If your pregnancy is past 12 weeks, you can obtain an abortion in Virginia, where the cut off is 26 weeks and 6 days.

    Other bordering states to North Carolina have stricter abortion laws, which is why many people from Tennessee, Georgia, and Kentucky travel to North Carolina to receive abortion care.

  • If you reside in a state where abortion is illegal or highly restrictive, you can still receive abortion pills by mail.

    AidAccess is an organization where you can discreetly get abortion pills internationally shipped to your local address from European clinicians. However, this process can be a bit slow since the pills are being shipped internationally.

    Some people turn to other USA based telehealth clinicians for getting abortion pills mailed to them quicker. To get around restrictive abortion laws, mail forwarding can be an option for you. This entails renting a mailing address in another state (this can cost less than $50) where you will initially ship the pills and then forward the package to your local address.

    For more detailed information about this process, visit Mayday Health.

  • Funding for costs of abortion, transportation, lodging, emotional support, language support, child-care, etc.

    Carolina Abortion Fund

    For those who live in North Carolina or South Carolina or are traveling to these states to receive abortion care.

    You must have an appointment scheduled with a provider in NC or SC to apply for funding

    Carolina Abortion Fund linktree

    Abortion pills by mail:

    AidAccess is regarded as one of the most reliable options for accessing abortion pills by mail, but we have also listed many other options below.

    To find specific clinics, physicians, and other NC abortion providers:


    FYI: Not all NC abortion clinics offer abortion procedures up to 20 weeks. Some may only offer these procedures until 13 weeks or may only offer the abortion pill (which can be taken up to 11 weeks).

  • Check to see the abortion laws for your state

    If you have questions regarding setting up a mail forwarding address we recommend you visit Mayday Health for more detailed information

    Telehealth providers for abortion pills:

    Aid Access - the most reliable and recommended telehealth service according to our research (specifically the European version)

    European clinicians working for Aid Access will ship abortion pills directly to your personal address wherever you live in the USA. Since pills are being shipped internationally it will take anywhere between 1 and 3 weeks to arrive at your address. This service costs $105 or less and is only 1 step.

    USA clinicians working for Aid Access can ship you abortion pills if you have a mail forwarding address in the following states: AK, CA, CO, CT, DC, ID, IL, ME, MD, MA, MI, MI, NY, NJ, NM, NV, OR, RI, VT, VA, NH or WA. Since pills are being shipped domestically, this will take approximately 1 week for the pills to be delivered and can cost $300 or less. This process is 3 steps.

    Hey Jane if you have a mail forwarding address in CO, IL, CA, CT, NY, WA, or NM

    Just the Pill if you have a mail forwarding address in MN, MO, WY or CO

    Choix if you have a mail forwarding address in CO, IL, CA, NM, ME or VA

    Careafem if you have a mail forwarding address in CO, IL, CT, DE, DC, IA, MD, ME, MA, MN, NV, NJ, NM, RI, VT or VA

    Lilth Care if you have a mail forwarding address in RI, HI, MA

    Funding for costs of transportation to another state for those who cannot afford it:

    State by State list of Abortion Funds

    National Abortion Federation Hotline

    WRRAP- Emergency Fund

    The Brigid Alliance

    Resources for patients seeking abortions

  • Text Abby

    This is a text line for information about abortion access under the age of 18 in NC

    Repro Legal Helpline

    A hotline for legal questions regarding abortion

    Miscarriage + Abortion Hotline

    A hotline for medical questions related to abortion

    Mayday Health

    Has detailed information about how to mail yourself abortion pills

    Has detailed information regarding how to set up mail forwarding address so that you can get abortion pills shipped to you faster, from a US clinician, and with discretion (if you live in a state where medical abortion is highly restricted)

    Plan C

    Has resources for free phone and text support, legal support, financial support, education, apps on abortion, abortion options for patients, and state by state information about how to access abortion pills by mail

    Digital Health Fund and Surveillance Self-Defense

    Information about protecting your digital privacy

    Hey Favor

    Has cheaper emergency contraception options as well as general birth control

    Emergency contraception by Hey Favor is delivered in discreet packaging and costs $0 with most insurance plans and about $20 without insurance
